Hi, my name is Allison and I'm a visual designer from Cupertino, California. 

Currently, I'm studying Design|Media Arts and Digital Humanities at the University of California, Los Angeles, graduating in June 2024.

My work ranges from 3D sculptures and environmental installations to visual branding and game design. With each piece, I dive into various parts of my personal and cultural identity, attempting to make sense of the world around me and exploring my place in society.

I'm drawn to satire and irony- using sarcasm to poke fun at various topics- and incorporating absurdity into the most mundane of objects or events.  

In my free time, you'll find me throwing punches in the boxing ring, perfecting my mom's signature dishes (while developing my own), and strategizing the best way to beat my dad at mah-jongg.

I'm always open to chat, feel free to reach out via email or LinkedIn! ​​​​​​​